[Interview] [Chapter 2] Stenka Razin

Day 3,148, 15:33 Published in Switzerland Venezuela by Alexander Foxx
eEncuentros Casuales Building
Geneva, Romandie, eSwitzerland
Day 3148 of the New World

eEncuentros Casuales

This is the Second Chapter of eEncuentros Casuales

In this oportunity, i had the chance to know the eLife of the Party President of the Swiss Pirate Party and candidate to CP:

Sir Stenka Razin 😃 😃

First one i was taken a fly to Leningrad, Russia to visit Stenka Razin on his residence.

The flight was amazing, the men next to my site, give me Vodka a lot!!!!

Finally, i arrived to San Petersburgo, i saw a lot of militaries give me signals of welcome, i was thinking in my mind (shit, this men is powerful), i follow the dudes and i was entered with them in a mercedes benz with swiss flags

San Petersburgo is an amazing city, it has beautiful houses and pretty catedrals, finally we reach to a historic and beautiful building:

The colonel Yuri Vinogradov open the door and i got off the car,you can not imagine the magnificent and amazing of the Smolny Institute.

I follow the guards to the interior of the building, i listened a scream:

Stenka: Да здравствует революция

Me: My friend Stenka!, thank you for receive me in this beautiful place

*Stenka with a argentinian accent said me*

Stenka: Amigo!, you are welcome, c´mon lets go to my office

*we walk to his office and i take sit*

Me: Well, lets start dear friend, tell me about your history *writting in my notebook*

Stenka: Well my RL name is Federico, i was eBorn in Argentina in the December 04 on 2011, I have gone through different countries *shows passports*

Stenka: A total of 10 countries: Argentina, Mexico, Russia, Croatia, Chile, Phillipines, Republic Of Macedonia, Cuba and Switzerland

Me: Amazing, lets talk about your political career now

Me: Well, my political orientation is Far left *shows a picture in his office´s wall*

Stenka: My actual party is Swiss Pirate Party, was congressman 8 times here and before our dictatorship i did several laws and ofc i approved all the laws that help our community,In Argentina i was Minister of Inmigration and was part of the creation of a Left Front (several times PP from GPS and congressman) also ambassador in Belarus x2, chilean ambassador in Mex, MKD ambassador in Chile x2 and MKD congressman x2 and mexican ambassador in MKD. In Swiss i helped in our nacional MU, MoFA team. Then i went in 2 click mode.

Me What are your plans like a CP?

Stenka: Help Swiss and keep the path to make the country safe of any threat and Keep building our community and securing our country, this is my gabinet:

CP: Stenka Razin
vCP: Rican
Mo😨 Blackbeard00,
MoFA: TheTrendoReborn, Frida K, Zakk Bloodworth
MoE: Alexander Jr Allup, Javier Alejandro Ramos
Governor: Hitoyoshi

Me: Finally Stenka, what do you want to say to the swiss people?

Stenka: Ok, well, people of Switzerland, vote for the stability, the peace and the democracy, believe in the dictatorship, i love you eSwitzerland 😃

Me: Thank you so much Stenka, to accept the interview and receive me in his actual residence

Stenka: You welcome Alexander, it was a placer talk with you

The guards follow me to the exit of the building, i said goodbye to stenka from of the taxi and the taxi speed up on way to the airport 😃.

Bonus Track:

before i traveled to Geneva...

eating some snacks

"Work is the curse of the drinking classes"
-Stenka Razin

-Alexander Jr Allup