[House Rylde] Canadian Civil War

Day 2,732, 23:59 Published in Canada Canada by Rylde

Lets not waste time and get right to the meat of the subject of our nation heading to a period of civil war. Currently my backers and supporters are few and far between from either dying or 2 clicking awaiting the end of plato's playhouse.

There's not much left to login for as an average player or even an elite never mind even fight for, so maybe its time to try and bring back the old Us vs Them mentality that ruled the nation for so long. If your still kicking pm me.

Canada has a rich history of being an underdog and supporting one when it comes to war, so in an effort for one last hurrah of activity I ask that you support me in the Coming CPF Moose take over as i'm now the said underdog.

I had my run as Dictator and maybe its time to let someone else to have there turn. All I have as a rebuttal to that is lets make them fight and earn it.

I need you to lend me your strength and activity one last time and split the country in two as this Dictatorship mechanic was meant to do. Plato may have skewed the game board a bit allowing outsiders to interfere but its also something to be used to our advantage.

If your on the brink of quitting or just 2 clicking waiting for something to do this is it.

Give me your support and I promise you a war worth fighting, for pure entertainment just to one up our old political rivals. Rob them of an achievement just to do so.

If we give it our all and don't fear outside takeover, that gives us an edge that the conservative CPF do not possess.

The Coming War

The deck is currently stacked against House Rylde in this coming fued that's set to start Friday with Dill pickle bank rolling my removal from power for the CPF.

I've been bored and so have you so that's the reason why I have kept power as it can spice up our dead community. You don't even have to pick my side for this to work, just a side.

The logs of the govt thread have been spicy and could be an article in themself.

Mindlessly letting someone else takeover as Dictator is the drain of death like sh*t in the toilet that the game has become.

I honestly don't even care if I lose the coming war as long as its a good and worthy brawl.

Worthy of eCanada

The Board is set

Rylde and Cordis Di


Everyone else

I've overthrown Bryan Alexander from control of Canadian Ministry of Finance for fear of abusing his position and lending the 200k cc saved up during my rule to the moose Campaign.

Bryan is a great guy but moose is moose and I wouldn't doubt if a 200k cc IOU was written on a napkin dumb and dumber style to be repaid after the war. I know Klop when it comes to CO battle and if the war is close and the CO's get high they would have accessed the money. I took a possible advantage away from my opponents by giving myself one.

Will I use that 200k?

Its a certainty I will.

In the aftermath it will be paid from out of my own pocket as always and Rylde always pays his debts. In my mind I turned 200k disadvantage that could be used against me into a repayable loan for House Rylde.

I also Gave klop a carrot to chase of repaying his personal loan to myself to become dictator. It was a very dishonest shrewd move on my part knowing where this was headed. I kinda decided where this was headed a month ago seeing the state of things but that's another discussion.

Again in my mind taking strength from your coming foe and adding to your own resources to the tune of 100k cc that was owed anyways for war was key.

Battle Plan

The return to Democracy as paid by Dill cannot be stopped so don't waste any resources on it. The determination will be retarded high unless the admins love me. By the amount of drunken messages and complaints I've made, they don't.

After we return to democracy it becomes a game of chicken after the 10 day grace period of who tries for a Coupe first. CPF or me again. Regardless of what happens CO's will be up and war will commence.

I've always played by my own set of rules and after so long I thought it would be apparent by now.

I hope to see you all on the battlefield no matter who you fight for.

Rylde Civil War Bonds coming soon at 2000cc per at one month of 20% interest.

Who's coming with me?