[Gov] Orders 22/09

Day 3,229, 12:32 Published in Cyprus Cyprus by N.oName

Sa oçes.
Today is a great day, airdohan is flying to europe !

Operation kocobo je kipar starts, make anan proud, kick gavurs o/.

Noname preparing his plane

The main priority is our battle panpas, show the world how crazy we can be !
If we win and that a round is under control, our brothers from chile and thailand are flying aswell, and Syndicate is still fighting ennemies, so take a look at their battles (i’ll try to update our orders regularly) !
If you need weapons, come IRC at #cyprus, or send me a message.

Prio 1. Cyprus > Kosovo
Prio 2. Chile > Iqaluit
Prio 3. Thailand > Kinki

I promise girls for every fighter helping us to build our great Orthodox Empire, which will be ruled from Kosovo, land of the ancient cypriots (aswell as mongolia exactly). Make my dear finway (RIP In peace brotha :’() proud from heaven, accomplish his dream, make pampuan the holly prophet our king.

Enough talking, let our holly weapons talk, free motherland KOSOVO ! One Baklava to rule them all !

The few,
The proud,
The cypriots