[FED PRESS]PP Candidate Interviews,Feducation(GF),SHIELD Cap'ns,HaH,FedDebut

Day 2,459, 06:30 Published in USA USA by NBFederalist

Today's Federalist News:
1 |PP Election Interviews
2 |Feducation(Guerrilla Fights)
3 |eLife(MrAwesome)
5 | Highlight a Hammer
6 | Feds Debut Teamspeak

PP Interviews
Kevin Sherridan
An interview with PP candidate TriTrekker

Please tell us in a few words about your Fed career,: first steps, key position held, pivotal events?

I have been in the Fed party since March of 2013. I two clicked for a while. And finally last November got involved in the party. That would have been the most pivotal moment for me. At the time I was a relative unknown, but I was trusted with Fed Media. I worked as Media Director for a little over three months. The last month of which I built up a excellent media team and felt confident in handing the directorship off to WookyJack.

I have also served as a VPP twice.

How do you intend to run things? What's your leadership style and what P/H Feds serve as your role model and inspiration?

I intend to run things as a great motivator. I want to inspire people to work hard for me and to get things done. There are so many people to choose from. I am going to have to go with MelissaRose for role model. When she was in charge, she would say what needed to be done, and it would get done.

Let’s talk about the competition, WookyJack and Scott Coyle. what are your strong and weak points in relation to those two?

Both of them are driven. I really like that about them. I admit I do not know Scott Coyle as well as I do Wooky, so I am not prepared to compare notes on him.

But one thing I can comment on is that I was on Fed Radio with him last night. I can tell you right now he is intelligent and picks thing up quickly. I have no doubt that if he wants to be PP, he will be at some point.

Wooky was experienced and he is on a roll. You play this game for any length of time and you will see these cycles. Wooky is on a major upswing. He has all the momentum behind him and his name is gold. He is on the verge of some great. I am excited to see how far he is going to go.

This cycle that Wooky is in is a major advantage for him. He is flying high (and rightly so) on popularity and name recognition. He has worked hard for this and I am glad to see it. I would like to believe I am still fairly popular among Feds, but I definitely do not have the momentum behind me that he does. He can channel this excitement into inspiring explemary work from Feds and SHIELDies.

What's included in your 100 days (or shall we say 10 days) program. What are the key initiatives you plan to promote?

My first few days? First and foremost I am going to concern myself with congress. We need to set up for that, as congressional elections happen 10 days in. Many things need to be done, including vetting potential new candidates, examine the current group, decide if and how many 6thers we send with our delegation, get out the vote initiatives and what not.

Until that is started, it is business as usual.

After that we will address anything that needs to be taken care of.

Any thoughts on areas such as recruitment and retention? The Feds are experiencing negative demographic trends lately.

The whole game has been experiencing similar trends. It is a game thing. The only way to change this is to find a way to getting a bigger piece of a ever shrinking pie. The answer to that is easy. We need to excite people about our party so that they want to join and stick around. The how is more murky. We have programs in place to stimulate activity. These will help. But we also need to be out there everyday making it seem cool to be a Fed.

You put a lot of emphasis on congressional activity, how do you evaluate our current caucus? Any things you would have done differently? Aside from picking the most suitable candidates, what do you think of the new training program, any ideas on enhancing it?  

I love the new training program. Anything to prep people for being a part of the meta is great. The current caucus is a good group. I do not know a lot of about their performance this term, as I am not in congress due to technical difficulties with my computer the last time congress was up. But there are a lot of faces that are prennials and some newer people. When you have a mix of old and new, things are always interesting. And allying with 6ther parties to send some of them to congress is a great thing that we do too. This only strengthens our status in the eWorld.

I like what EE did with congress. He was a great political mind and I am not sure I would have done much different.

What's your vision in regards to national politics? What role do you wish the Feds to take in relation to other parties, government agencies and eAmerica as a whole?

We are Feds. We are be best. End of story. So that means we should be everywhere. I want to see us to have a stronger than usual showing in congress, potentially send another Fed to the eWhitehouse, and be integral in helping the country as a whole. This means helping other parties from time to time. Because what happens to other parties affects things on a national scale.

Thank you very much for your time Mr, TriTrekker
Interview with PP candidate ScottCoyle

Please tell us in a few words about your Fed career,: first steps, key position held, pivotal events?

Well that is a relatively simple answer as I started with the feds back in May and since joining I immediately joined SHIELD thanks to WookyJack and began more so with SHIELD then the party. However in June I joined the Fun Department as Co-Deputy Director of Fun under BamaBettie but after a couple of weeks had to step down due to RL issues. I joined the Fed Media Team and became the Lead Graphics Artist of SHIELD about the same time and have been making graphics for both ever since. Recently I was asked to join WookyJacks leadership team as the head of the Fun Department with CCY as my deputy.Eventually I plan on doing every position like my younger mentor Apollo221. The real pivotal moment was joining the Fun Department because even though RL got tricky it has kept me grounded with reality and helped me blow off much needed rl steam. I am a workaholic lol!

How do you intend to run things? What's your leadership style and what P/H Feds serve as your role model and inspiration?

Personally I am a firm believer in shared ideas, I love to use what ideas others have and do what I can even a staffer is a great resource because if you're not listening to your team or members your useless. Apollo221, WookyJack and Tyler most of all, not saying others are not as important I have just been closer with these three. But in general all members of the leadership have been a great inspiration.

Let’s talk about the competition, Trekker and WookyJack. what are your strong and weak points in relation to those two?

Well we all know WookyJack is gonna win this election unless a catastrophic erepublik fail so I won't go to much into that other than to say that I have waited since day 1 for WookyJack to run as PP and I know he will do an excellent job. He is relatively new to the Fed as well but look at SHIELD and those awesome Joint Strikes we have had. As for Trekker he is the sexiest lot lizard and a great resource for humor, unfortunately I haven't seen too much of his serious side yet but I bet he would do well.

What's included in your 100 days (or shall we say 10 days) program. What are the key initiatives you plan to promote?

Most importantly pushing a mixture of Retention, Recruitment and Media with the new verbal communication line of using TeamSpeak in addition to Sykpe and the radio, but I want to complete a website within my first 48 hours and improve it from there so as to make it easier for information to get around. I mean nick and the fed media team does an excellent job but how many people actually read it is not as big as if we had a non glitchy website that was optimized for mobile users would be.

What's your vision in regards to national politics? What role do you wish the Feds to take in relation to other parties, government agencies and eAmerica as a whole?

As the largest party we of course should be the main force in politics but in congress you can't get much done it seems like due to the nature of the game but I believe under the presidency of DMJ it has improved. Being a party that supported him in both his terms I feel he regards us in a good light and many in our party like his directions. I do wish to see another Fed President and that's my only complaint about DMJ. As for internationally we don't really do as much as we could. That is an area we could work on as building relationships with foreign parties could be highly beneficial to our country and party. We have worked with Albania quite a bit and I believe that is a good place to start.

Thank you Mr. Coyle
An interview with PP candidate Wookyjack

Please tell us in a few words about your Fed career,: first steps, key position held, pivotal events?
How do you intend to run things? What's your leadership style and what P/H Feds serve as your role model and inspiration?

1st I was not P/H.  Then.  I became P/H when I joined the Feds.

But seriously I joined and immediately began talking with two other players who showed me the ropes of the new world. (keep in mind my citizen had been dead from 2010 - 2014)  Trekker Tlumac and Sle7en welcomed me to the Feds.  The first steps I took was writing for Trekker who was Fed Media Director.  After a few articles he asked me to be his deputy.  I spent another month or so working for him to get the Federalist Press Releases done bi-weekly.  Eventually Trekker had some RL stuff come up and I was made Fed Media Director.  Also during this time I had been elected in the captain elections, was quartermastering for SHIELD.  As time went on SHIELD went through some changes and eventually I was to be BigCDizzle’s XO.  After about a month passed BigC had some RL stuff come up as well and I was made Commander of SHIELD.  With this promotion I relinquished Fed Media Director to nickbergman who still runs it today.

I plan to run things on the basis of not f*cking it up (a Fed leadership motto).  More will be announced soon in my next article.  As for leadership style I believe I am a decision maker and an encourager.  

There are a great many P/H Feds who are great role models.  Two that stick out in my mind are Sle7en and Trekker because they were an integral part of my development in the Feds when I rebooted in February 2014.

Let’s talk about the competition, Trekker and Scott Coyle. what are your strong and weak points in relation to those two?

I feel everyone’s greatest weakness is inconsistency.  If you’re not active in the meta aspect of this game you won’t stand a chance surviving high level positions.  I am susceptible to this just as anyone.  I believe my activity in Fed Media and giving SHIELD a needed boost in activity can transcend into the political aspect of this game very well.  i feel I have a keen mind to network with all types of the players.  Everyone wants something from this game.  My efforts are to tap into what they want from the game and try to execute whatever it will take to keep them engaged.  The strongest skill I have is building camaraderie and trying to maintain this with fun.  We often talk about P/H and how it empowers us in the Federalist party.  But the makeup of the party is the friendships and trust to have in each other that makes it powerful.  This is what I believe makes us P/H.  Last, when a new player has an idea the best thing to do is support it whether or not it will fail because encouragement is the basis of retention.  Get up and try again.  If you succeed you try to do better.  This is why I continue to play; I’m optimistic.

What's included in your 100 days (or shall we say 10 days) program. What are the key initiatives you plan to promote?

Which program? lol

OK then, Let’s talk recruitment , that department has been a bit dormant as of late .what are your plans to change the negative membership trend?

Leo has accepted to be my Director of Recruitment if I win.  I plan to elaborate more on this in my next campaign article.

You've been the CO of Shield for some time now, and it sometimes feels as though Shield is the Real Dynamo behind the Fed community. How do you plan to bring those energies to the rest of the Fed realm?

I owe a great part of the development of SHIELD to those who work with me and those who have come before me.  I would say my greatest accomplishment is being able to get the right people in the right places to run SHIELD.  BamaBettie and nickbergman played a huge role here.  The advice from crashthompson and twisted-pixel eventually gave me the ability to revitalize a sleepy MU.  We had some great fun along the way (Joint Strikes, HAMMER gold drives, new program implementations, recruiting and on and on.)

One could say that Shield’s dominance over other Fed areas mirrors the dominance of the military module over the political one. How can we inject the same enthusiasm onto the political part of the game?

Quite simply: make room for new players.  But also insight enthusiasm and keep its current players engaged at the same time.  The upper political incumbents who have near years or multiple years of experience playing this game could stand to benefit letting new blood replace them.  However, this long tenure is their investment that they’re worried would be turned into shambles if they relinquish their positions.  Its not an easy thing to give up.  Hence some are labeled elitists.

What's your vision in regards to national politics? What role do you wish the Feds to take in relation to other parties, government agencies and eAmerica as a whole?

I am currently a staffer for Wild Owl and write for the Pacifica Alliance.  Also, I am avidly working with the National Security Council (NSC) to ensure SHIELD doesn’t skip a beat to help eUSA.  As for what kind of additional role I will take nationally I just want to be able to establish amicable relations with other Party Presidents and their leadership, as well as, continue to nurture the relationship I have with the current POTUS and his administration.

The Feds are the largest party and play 1/5th of the role of ensuring the safety of eUSA.  I want to see this continue without a hitch while graduating up new blood into the Congressional ranks.  The Feds have a great many volunteers who currently work at the National level and their hard work deserves commendation:

Tyler Bubblar - VP


Thomas Killah

Molly Emma - Speaker of House

Scott Coyle

Civil Anarchy


The Original Hawkie - IES Director

The Handyman


and many others.

I hope to retain this group of fine Feds as well as grow other new people into more government positions.

Thank you Mr. Wookyjack

Guerrilla Fights

1. Equipment

There are four types of weapons available: pistols, shotguns, assault rifles and snipers. They can be bought with currency. Those are the basic weapons, but there are “super items” as well – “Type X Sniper Rifle” and “Type X Frag Grenade”, they cost more and can only be bought with gold, 0.11 gold a piece (roughly 33 cc). Weapons don’t have durability, but they must be replaced when you’re out of ammo and clips (magazines). To achive maximum efficiency you should use weapons from a specific distance (e.g. snipers are best used from 700m).

Armor items consist of a pair of boots, a helm an armor. All of them have durability showing the number of fights they can be used in. Wearing them will slow you down and reduce your agility (you’ll be able to move to a lesser distance), but you’ll be able to take more damage.

Th equipment for The Guerrilla Fights can’t be manufactured, it can only be bought from the inventory page or received as a reward for winning a fight. When you buy an item it is placed in inventory. You can either click and drag item to the left in order to use it in the next fight, or you can throw it away by clicking thrash can.
Also some equipment can/could be obtained from powerspins :

Now, every weapon or armor has attributes directly influencing player attributes:
*armor – amount of damage you can receive before starting to lose energy
*accuracy – higher accuracy means better chance to hit your opponent
*agility – determines distance you can move in one turn. The default value is 200m.

At the beginning of each battle your Strenght and Rang are weighted against that of your opponent’s to determine Bonus Damage.
- 0 Bonus Damage: Win/loss ratio is less than 1
- 1 Bonus Damage: Win/loss ratio is between 1-1.99
- 2 Bonus Damage: Win/loss ratio is 2 or more

2. Choosing a weapon:

You can take basic weapon – Weapon 1. You can also take three backup weapons. After buying a weapon you can drag it from inventory to a weapon slot. These are weapons and their attributes:

Weapon 1

It’s the first weapon to appear in the fight. It decides the first move you’ll take. You are placed at some distance from your opponent, so the choice of weapon is very important. E.g. distance between you and your opponent is 500m and you have a gun. You have a very little chance to hit your target. If the distance is 50m and you have a sniper rifle, you will have little chance to hit too. Each turn there is a chance to deal critical damage to your opponent

The hit chances have been tweaked in the following fashion:
- The minimum hit chance is now 8% (can be decreased by dodging)
- The maximum hit chance is now 90%

Weapon 2

This is a grenade. There are two types:

The grenade always has 100% chance to hit, but deals no critical damage.
NB: When using your grenade watch out for the player moves. When hit by 10 damage grenade while moving opponent takes only 3 damage. This can be used to take less damage yourself if you think opponent is going to use grenade. I suggest you count the shots and use grenade when opponent has shots left (hes constantly shooting at you etc) to have a dodge chance and full damage from grenade.
I would advise to have atleast 3 different range weapons with you all the time.


E.g. helmet reduces your agility by 3, but increases your armor by 4, and it lasts for 3 turns.

3. Joining a Fight

You need to defeat five players on the battlefield to be able to join a Guerrilla Fight. You have to click the button on the right bottom of the screen to begin scan for an opponent. You will fight against an enemy player with the closest attributes to yours, if there is at least one available. If there are no enemy players looking to join a Guerrilla Fight, you will have to wait until someone does. If an opponent for you isn’t found in a time, you have to defeat another opponent in order for The Guerilla Fight button to appear again. If one side involved in the battle has more than 1400 Domination Points the fight will not start (because there may not be enough time to finish it).

The Guerrilla Fight is only available in direct battles, not in the Resistance Wars.
You need 100 health to enter the fight. At the beginning of the fight both you and your opponent will have 100 health. You can’t use energy bars, and you can’t replenish energy.

You can’t increase your health, but you can increase your armor points. If you are fully equipped, you have 100 health points + 8 for armor + 4 for helmet and +4 for boots, and that’s 116 in total.

Before a fight starts, there will be pre-fight screen showing a head to head comparison of the two opponents. The “Bonus Damage” is an indicator of each player’s strength in relation to the opponent (if there is an even match, both players will have similar Bonus Damage). Both players enter the fight with maximum 100 Energy. The Energy that is about to be used in the Guerrilla Fight is now removed from the total Energy.

4. The Fight

The combat is divided in rounds; players can perform one action/round. The basic actions are listed below:

FIRE - shoot with the equipped weapon
MOVE - get closer or farther away from your opponent
DODGE - lowers the opponent’s hit chance. If a grenade is present it will be used.
RELOAD - when you run out of ammo the FIRE button will turn into RELOAD
Change weapon- opens the weapon list

In the top left corner you can see the last 4 rounds. Each turn lasts 16 seconds, and since there are 20 turns, fight lasts about five and a half minutes max, but depending on the time needed for players to choose their next move, it can be much shorter.

5. Fight Results

The player who loses all his Energy first is defeated. In case of a draw the player who dealt more damage wins. The Energy that is not lost in the Guerrilla Fight is returned to the total Energy. The winner will add substantially more damage than the defeated player. The damage added to the influence bar is cumulated with the damage dealt prior to the Guerrilla Fight. It also counts for achievements like Battle Hero, Campaign Hero or True Patriot. Players will receive Rank Points according to the amount of damage added to the influence bar. The winning player also receives one item as a reward.
The damage resulted from a Guerrilla Fight is now done in the following fashion:

- Victorious players deal:
100% of the maximum damage they would inflict with 100 Energy by using a Q7 weapon
100% of the maximum damage they would inflict (using a Q7 weapon) with the Energy the opponent lost in that Guerrilla Fight (max. 100 Energy, armor is not counted)

- Defeated players deal:
100% of the maximum influence they would inflict with the Energy they lost (max. 100, armor is not counted)
50% of the maximum damage they would inflict with the Energy the opponent lost in that Guerrilla Fight (max. 100, armor is not counted)

For example:
A victorious player deals 100 damage per hit with Q7. 100 Energy gives him 1,000 damage. The opponent lost 73 health during the Guerrilla Fight (out of max 100). The damage done in the battle will be 1,000 + 730 = 1,730.
- A player receives, no matter if victorious or not, a 10% damage bonus if they manage to kill their opponent in the Guerrilla Fight.

6. To be successful.
First you need to equip yourself to get most out of the armor and weapons. Since most fighters use full armor ( helmet armor and boots) the 10 damage grenade and sniper rifle can be useful aswell. Every time you decide to guerrilla check that you have all equipment on you before you join the fight.

Next thing the fight itself is like a poker game. You have to try to read the opponent. Let’s say he/she is shooting from Assault rifle with 5 ammo in clip he/she has made 4 shots in a row so there will be 5th i guess this is good time to use grenade because it gives you chance to dodge(Dodging deducts the hit chance by one third. Ex: if your hit chance is 75% and the opponent dodges, your final hit chance will be 50%.) the hit and chance to get off full grenade damage.

Or if you see your opponent switching to sniper rifle while being 400 meters from you. Then he probably wants to move away from you on next round. Good time to step closer or change the weapon yourself so you will not loose any damage. Let the opponent make the moves (distance changes) so you can change weapon while he moves etc. Or get one more shot off before changing weapon. Every round counts.

Actual hit chance is calculated after your opponent moves or dodges, while the percentage displayed before shooting does not take these variables into account (since there is no way to know what your opponent will do). This can make you miss some shots. Again see if he changed weapon and change yours too or move closer/further etc.

Of course there is a luck factor in it. You can miss even if you have 90% hit chance.
Last but not least never give up since the more damage you do the more influence you get even if you lose the battle. And you never know maybe enemy will miss 2 times a row and you will be able to win altough it seemed impossible at some point 

Happy hunting !


It was debated, discussed and has been decided. The following people will be your Regimental Captains for SHIELD.
Captains for August

Reg 1 - Drazer X
Reg 2 - Kevin Sheridan
Reg 3 - Mrawesome
Reg 4 - BamaBettie
Reg 5 - Scott Coyle
Reg 6 - Leo
Reg 7 - Slash Tail

Highlight a Hammer
Lucius Best
Life of the Ice Man
When I first signed on to eRep it was back in mid April of 2013. My name was Matman9348 and Uncle Sam was my alias. It was in the middle of, now deceased, Vanek26's 2nd term as POTUS. I quickly joined the USWP for reasons I don't even know. Within the first hour of game play I was messaged by a person probably not known to many. This man was Joe Lansing. He acted as my mentor. He taught me the basics to life in this game. I also joined the United States Armed Force and their Flight Training program. About half way through Flight Training I left and joined the great Easy Company. Soon after that Artela was elected POTUS, and a few weeks later I died. I died because I didn't get into meta-gaming or really anything at all. I came in did just about nothing and left.

Almost a year later I came back under a new name and alias(Lucius Best and Frozone). Around this time I remember Tyler Bubblar campaigning for POTUS against the incumbent Gnilraps. Gnilraps ended up winning.
This time I tried meta-gaming. Joined the Fed and eUSE forums, and got a job helping Talio Extremist with MEPS for SHIELD. I didn't last but 2 weeks in the game before I was killed.... again.

Then for some reason I came back last month. DMJ was POTUS and about to be re-elected. This time around I joined HAMMER. I've gotten a few jobs for both the Feds and the eUS. I'm in MEPS once again, but this time with Leo.TheDamager. I'm also communications NCO for SHIELD, and I also just started as a staff writer for the WHPR. I plan to stay around this time.

I am proud to announce we now have a teamspeak3 server for your enjoyment. I have always been a fan of verbal communication vs text communication as it allows you to be more connected with whom you are talking to. Back in the beta and v1 days we had some success with various applications for verbal communication but it died out due to lack of activity but we never actually had a true teamspeak server and with that knowledge the decision was made and now we have one. You can also now use teamspeak on your cellphone for only $1.99 from GooglePlay or the AppStore.

Here is a brief tutorial to get you started!

Step 1 - Download Teamspeak


Step 2 - Install Teamspeak

** Simply Follow the Directions as you would with any other program

Step 3 - Open and Connect

Our Server Address is: ts.proudhorny.us
- Thanks to Evil_Elvis for the URL

From the Top Right of the Application Click the " Connections " Drop Down Tab

Click " Connect " or use the hotkey combination of " Ctrl + S "

Once the dialog box appears type in the following

Server Address:

Please use In-game, Forum or IRC name

Simply hit connect and begin chatting away. Sorry about the lack of images but Teamspeak has decided to block PrntScr from allowing it to take normal picture of the program.

Bonus' to using TS3

You are no longer require to register with the server, it pre-registers your ip to it.
- If you are given admin powers on laptop they don't work on your cellphone

You have have your name announced
- Click Self then Set Phonetic Name
- You can also right click yourself in the list to get to these options

You can even have your avatar in the server
- Click Self then Set Avatar
- You can also right click yourself in the list to get to these options

However here is what it looks like!

Be a FED Mentor.

Be a FED Mentee.

Federalist Media Staff:

: :
: :