[EN & PT]Global monetary market analysis November 2011

Day 1,439, 04:43 Published in Portugal Portugal by CryingLightning

Hi people from all over the eWorld
Lately Monetary markets suffered an massive devaluation, some of these countries have not yet recovered from the devaluation, but some others are back to normal.
But that is not my subject today.
As you probably read mine article title this is a analysis to global monetary markets. Mainly this is about taking profit for some countries monetary markets with Currency per gold rate equal or bigger than 0.002.

Currency |Country |Alliance |Currency/Gold |Gold/Currency |Profit*(in 😵

BGN |Bulgaria |Eden |0,002 |900 |80,0
CLP |Chile |Terra |0,002 |1009 |101,8
CNY |China |Eden |0,002 |650 |30,0
FIM |Finland |Eden |0,002 |998 |99,6
GBP |Finland |proONE |0,002 |998 |99,6
GRD |United Kingdom |Eden |0,002 |1007 |101,4
HRK |Croatia |Eden |0,002 |994 |98,8
INR |India |proEden|0,002 |987 |97,4
IRR |Iran |proONE |0,002 |1045 |109,0
MEP |Montenegro |proONE |0,002 |990 |98,0
MKD |FYROM |ONE |0,002 |982 |96,4
NIS |Israel |Eden |0,002 |1019 |103,8
NOK |Norway |Eden |0,002 |980 |96,0
NZD |New Zeland |proONE |0,002 |1000 |100,0
PLN |Poland |ONE |0,003 |470 |41,0
RSD |Serbia |ONE |0,003 |456 |36,8
SIT |Slovenia |proONE |0,002 |1001 |100,2
THB |Thailand |proONE |0,002 |975 |95,0
TRY |Turkey |Turkey |0,002 |695 |39,0
TWD |Taiwan |proEden|0,002 |1060 |112,0
USD |USA |Terra |0,002 |1001 |100,2

*This profit margin only happens if you sell gold and then with the currency that you earned (from selling the gold), sell it again.

My advice is not to invest in markets with profit margins above 90 or 95% due to that they are very unstable and you may luse huge fortunes.
Furthermore I advise you to invest in Monetary Markets from countries with a lot of population and monetary tradings (ePoland and eSerbia)

I will be back next month with another monetary market analysis


Ola eJogadores do Novo Mundo
Nos ultimos tempos os mercados monetarios tem andado agitados com constantes desvalorizaçoes de moedas, mas parece que estao a começar a voltar ao normal.
Mas nao e isso que me traz aqui
Como devem ter lido no titulo do artigo isto e uma analise aos mercados monetarios de todo o mundo. O objectivo principal deste artigo e informar os eCidadaos de como obter lucros dos mercados monetarios de alguns paises com o ratio de Moeda/Gold maiores ou iguais a 0.002

Moeda |Pais |Aliança |Moeda/Gold |Gold/Moeda |Margen de l
Lucro*(in 😵

BGN |Bulgaria |Eden |0,002 |900 |80,0
CLP |Chile |Terra |0,002 |1009 |101,8
CNY |China |Eden |0,002 |650 |30,0
FIM |Finland |Eden |0,002 |998 |99,6
GBP |Finland |proONE |0,002 |998 |99,6
GRD |United Kingdom |Eden |0,002 |1007 |101,4
HRK |Croatia |Eden |0,002 |994 |98,8
INR |India |proEden|0,002 |987 |97,4
IRR |Iran |proONE |0,002 |1045 |109,0
MEP |Montenegro |proONE |0,002 |990 |98,0
MKD |FYROM |ONE |0,002 |982 |96,4
NIS |Israel |Eden |0,002 |1019 |103,8
NOK |Norway |Eden |0,002 |980 |96,0
NZD |New Zeland |proONE |0,002 |1000 |100,0
PLN |Poland |ONE |0,003 |470 |41,0
RSD |Serbia |ONE |0,003 |456 |36,8
SIT |Slovenia |proONE |0,002 |1001 |100,2
THB |Thailand |proONE |0,002 |975 |95,0
TRY |Turkey |Turkey |0,002 |695 |39,0
TWD |Taiwan |proEden|0,002 |1060 |112,0
USD |USA |Terra |0,002 |1001 |100,2

*Estas margens de lucro so acontecem se vendermos gold e com a moeda que ganhamos com essa venda a metermos a venda

O meu conselho e nao investir em mercados com margens de lucros iguais ou superiores a 90 ou 95% devido ao facto de serem altamente explosivos e perdermos tudo da noite para o dia.
Alem disso aconelho a investir em mercados com muita populaçao e com grandes movimentos economicos

Vou estar de volta no proximo mes com outra analise do mercado monetario
