[eCanada] -Keep strong and remember who your allies are

Day 892, 09:11 Published in Canada Greece by Greek Ministry of Health
The May country presidents elections are soon upon us and as the current term draws to an end, the eCanadian President welcomes us inside Parliament Hill in Ottawa, where he has arranged for our interview to take place. After a couple of days enjoying the ski resorts of the Rhone Alps, the EDEN Media Team has travelled across the Atlantic with a request for President Derek Harland's insights.

What EDEN Media Team initially thought to be Toronto City Hall at night time, turned out to be Parliament Hill, Ottawa by day. Fantabulous.

Derek Harland was born on day 462 of the New World. He has served 6 times as member of the Canadian congress and while the current period as Country President is his first term in the main office, he has earlier served two terms as Minister of Defense. Field Marshal Harland is decorated Battle Hero and three times Super Soldier.

As we are comfortably seated and enjoying a cup of hot tea, we go straight to the point and ask about the president's general view on Canada being a part of EDEN.
- Canadian membership in EDEN offers us a lot of benefits. We are surrounded by great allies within the superalliance and our country consistently gets along well with EDEN members, and for that I am very proud. We here in eCanada know that EDEN stood up for us and would never go against us and if that means taking away resources to help out our allies, we will help.

While Canadian territories are not currently the scene of active warfare, how do you feel about sending your troops to fight in other parts of the world?
- We have a blast helping out our allies and it's a rewarding experience. Of course, we also have MPPs with a lot of EDEN members and if there is ever an invasion again for our precioussss diamonds/titanium, we know EDEN will defend us just as we do our best to defend other EDEN members.

Your valued neighbour and long time ally eUSA recently left the EDEN brotherhood. But like EDEN member eAustralia, you are still aligned to the eUS through the Brolliance. Doesn't keeping these two connections pose conflict for Canadian foreign and military policies?
- Some people say that we can't be in both EDEN and the Brolliance. However I disagree, both alliances are dedicated to defending each other and fighting Phoenix. EDEN is a more formal alliance that we are glad to be a part of, and our military co-operation with EDEN is one of the main pros of being in the alliance. With the Brolliance, it isn't so much about military co-operation but instead being dedicated helpers to one another. All Brolliance members have the same agenda and it allows us to get along very well.

US President Woxan recently made a statement on American foreign policy where he criticised what he calls "Super-Alliances" and makes himself spokesman for smaller regional alliances in the New World. What are your views on this?
- Woxan brings up some very interesting comments in his article. I am going to be frank, I am a huge supporter of the Brolliance and consider eUS to be our closest allies forever and ever. However, EDEN is an alliance that I couldn't be prouder of being part of. Woxan would like to head down the path of a multipolar world instead of the 2 superalliances we have now, and I respect his opinion. I would like to stay in EDEN and continue our great relationships with their countries as well as remain a part of the smaller, but closer Brolliance. They are both excellent alliances which both have two different purposes to give eCanada a perfect combination.

Keeping the brotherhood together is a demanding task, as at all times there will be citizens in member countries who feel that EDEN is not sufficiently sponsoring their own view on priorities. If you were to give a statement to your allies, what would it be?
- I would like to tell the EDEN community to keep strong and remember who their allies are. It is no secret that the alliance has been suffering from turmoil and infighting ever since the Poland/Spain/USA debacle with the leaked trans. It has been a painful last couple of weeks for EDEN and I would like to remind EVERYONE in EDEN that we need to return to the brotherhood and comraderie we used to experience. We are all a team and if we work together and sometimes put aside our own agenda for the common good, we can achieve much more.

Do you also have some final words on Canada's future place in EDEN?
- I know that eCanada rarely, if ever, asks for help from EDEN and I am fine with that. When we needed it, we got massive help from the allies close to us. I ask that everyone remember that, and also remember that sometimes it's more important to help someone else, instead of yourself. Together we can do great things and I ask us to stay true to who we have won and lost with for so long.

The EDEN Media Team would like to express our gratitude to President Harland for taking some time off to speak with us. We are also extending our heartfelt thanks to the Icelandic Department of Volcano Eruptions for allowing us to make our trip to Canada safely by plane.