[eCanada Activity Trends] We Are All Doomed!

Day 2,703, 11:44 Published in Canada Canada by J.Canuck

Crunched some numbers from the egov site. Just my amateurish attempt. The numbers go back about 280 days before there was some sort of shift in how measurements were made and weren't comparable. First chart calculates 10-day averages for activity levels, the second one attempts to quantify the trend (WE ARE ALL DOOMED!).

As far as I know
"Citizens" are the number of people who log in each day,
"Fighters" are the number of people who clicked the Fight button,
"Tank" is the number of times people clicked the Fight button and
"Influence" is just the resulting influence or damage.

10 Day Average Activity Levels

Average Change every 10 days for last 280,200,150,100&50 days

Kinda looks like the downward trend is accelerating.

Eat, Drink and be Merry!