[EA] Opinion: Onward To Asgard!

Day 1,874, 14:28 Published in Canada Canada by CptKaydee

The eRepublik Apocalypse is coming…

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Hello fellow eCanadians,

I'd like to congratulate our new President, Rylde. Now because Rylde was elected we now will have hold a national referendum on which alliance we will be joining. Instructions for the referendum can be found here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/ecanada-039-s-alliance-referendum-2189139/1/20 .

So now, I'd like to express my feelings on the three options we have. I'll start with my least favourite. The Circle of Trust alliance, an alliance created by Chile and Bulgaria after they were "betrayed" by their former alliance. The alliance if built on the former pro-ONE stance, now pro-TWO.

CoT is aligned with the alliance I hate them most. TWO, for one its name is crap and two its members make me shiver. Composed of countries I have against my entire eLife; Serbia, Hungary and the UK. The alliance is destined because it decides to ally with them.

I believe that's enough of an opinion from me on the subject of CoT.

Onto option number two, remaining neutral. This is our current stance, we remain neutral and pro-EDEN. It has already failed us (the Polish and American invasions).

If we decide to continue on this stance we are doomed and most likely a future target of a CoTWO grab for resources. This option does beat CoT in my opinion due to the fact we do not abandon traditional allies. The biggest downside is our vulnerability to wipe.

Now onto my favourite option, Asgard. The Nordic centric alliance, created as local alliance for Scandinavia and the alliance contest created by the admins. Currently they are the weakest alliance out there but it has real potential to develop into a great alliance.

Home of Sweden and Finland, there are many more possible future members of Asgard. Currently us and Ireland have expressed interest in the alliance. I hope we continue to follow this path and become an important part of Asgard and put some influence on the battlefield.

So for more information on the upcoming referendum lead by Wilhelm Gunter of the Rylde administration read this article http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/ecanada-039-s-alliance-referendum-2189139/1/20 .

Best regards,