[DoF] Lets get Started

Day 2,757, 05:21 Published in Australia Chile by sirjames244

Hello eAustralians,

I am sirjames244, you new Minister of Finance, and I play with money and get to see numbers, I job I think I will enjoy! Apologies for this article so shabby like, I currently have no access to any orgs, or such, so I am retorting to used of my personal newspaper.

Firsts things first I'd like to post my gaols, yes who ever heard of MoF setting goals? Well here is something new, I can and I will. As an older players of this game now days, I remember when I started I had the government fully behind me, we have currently a JDS ( Joey Development Scheme) a system run by two now mostly retired Brits, Dr Hugh and Claire, old friends of the eAussie people. Currently that system is only a shadow of its former self, and it time to replace the coal on the embers and get it up and firing again. So my first goal will be to locate funds and pump that portion of government into action again.

Second agenda is forming another ol budget, it used to be tratition for a MoF to form a budget of some kind, in past experiences it has varied, but I'd like to set my own as well. In the next week I'll be forming a new g doc system, an article out lining where the monies going, and maybe even pop on that new forum and post it there, if cal gives me enough love.

Well that is a nice quick article from your new DoF, read new articles soon eAustralia, and keep on battling!
