[DG4CP] DMJ Speaks Out

Day 2,541, 09:29 Published in USA USA by dmjohnston

Time to get this out there.

Mood Music: Oblige isn’t the right choice

Yesterday, Oblige published his cabinet list. I mentioned this on the eusaforum, but I was waiting along with everyone else to see who the Secretary of Defense would be in his cabinet.

Early in the campaign, Oblige approached me on IRC. As I was already aware, he was attempting to put together an all (or now mostly) ex-President cabinet. Over the last year, I’ve worked for many months in the Department of Defense. I’ve cut costs, I’ve driven forward the merger initiated and abandoned by others, and I believe I’ve done a fairly good job overall. Oblige didn’t want me in Defense because he didn’t think I fit with the direction he wanted to take it: a revival of sorts. He offered me either Secretary of Interior or Education.

I’ve done work with both departments as a POTUS who tries to revive our domestic programs, but that’s not where my experience really lies, and it’s not where my focus and interest lies. Combining this with the fact that my relationship with Oblige is well known to be rather strained, I declined.

Oblige came to me again last week to talk about the Defense Department. We talked for quite a while about the situation, people who had worked there and work there now, what I’ve been doing and working toward, etc. At some point, the conversation fizzled and ended without any real outcome.

When I saw that he had slated me for Secretary of Defense, I didn’t say no. I didn’t say no because I have a deep concern for the welfare of the soldiers of USAF, for the efficiency of our nation’s military, and for ensuring that the hard work I’ve put in does not get undone or mucked up. It’s the same reason I said yes to the same offer from Josh Whitehead, who I think would be a terrible POTUS. You look out for the things you care about, and for me, those things include USAF.

So what’s the point of all this? Around the time that Oblige and I first spoke about his cabinet, Dave Gulya asked me to be an advisor in his cabinet. For a moment, I’ll talk about my working history with Dave. Working for Molly Emma in June, I saw Dave working the Media department. He had an activity and a flair that I really appreciated. It was an easy decision to ask him to be my Secretary of the Media when I ran for President in July, and again in August. During those two months, he did some outstanding work and put together some great media, along with the continuing effort involved in my Daily Press Briefing idea.

A few weeks back, Dave took over as the USAF Operations Commander for rainy sunday (who has done a fantastic job in the position and left big shoes to fill). USAFOC is a big job with a lot of moving parts. As SECDEF, he’s been my right hand man as we try to improve USAF from where things stand now. He’s got the ball rolling, he’s been in the trenches doing the work, and he’s delivered on promises and expectations.

Dave did not ask me to be SECDEF. A big part of his plan is getting new faces involved. In fact, he even called me out for not teaching people how to do my job. He’s right. I’ve kind of let myself become to only name in DoD circles. That mostly stems from an overactive work ethic and lack of trust in my fellow men, but it doesn’t change the fact that the eUS belongs to us all. It belongs to the old players and the new.

Dave Gulya will be a great President. I have full faith in his abilities and commitment to our great eNation. This is why I fully endorse Dave Gulya for President of the eUnited States in November.

Dio bless you, and Dio bless the eUnited States of America.