【关闭】Day784 【国防部】军事指令更新 / DoSD Order

Day 784, 05:35 Published in China China by Ministry of SinoDefence

菲律宾-马来西亚-Sabah 演习, 将开始于游戏时间D784,13:00, 北京时间凌晨5:00 左右,
请保持火力至最后一次上线,若无其他战斗,请参加以上两场军演,并保持高体力过 夜

training battle with india started at erep time 5:00
ePhilippines-eMalaysia-Sabah training battle,will start around erep time day784 13:00.

hold fire until last login.If there is no other battles, fight in the training battles. keep high wellness