[Day 1326] Statement regarding the lastest events in the media

Day 1,326, 16:25 Published in South Korea Romania by Wandutza
Taking into consideration the government position expressed today by the Grease administration towards South Korean Dragons representative, Valinij (after 5 minutes of talking he received the line “You are fired”) and the extremely bad words towards the members of our Military Unit expressed in many of the today articles and comments, South Korean Dragons Military Unit feels extremely disappointed and humiliated.

From the moment of its creation till now South Korean Dragons have dedicated their existence to the defense of South Korea and made all the efforts necessary for its independence and stability in the area. Still, we think that today the government has seriously crossed the line of common sense launching an open media attack towards our group and forging false-accusations.

It seems that our military contribution to the today South Korea is easily forgotten. It seems that you no longer remember who fought for South Korea in the last wars with Taiwan, who financed the whole operation that by no means was cheap or who helped you with the baby-boom and donations. If this is the Korean way of saying "Thank you!", we are very disappointed by its meaning.

Taking all these things into consideration, starting Day 1327, 0:00 E-Republik Time, South Korean Dragons will enter in a non-combat state for an unlimited period of time as a sign of protest, meaning they will not fight for South Korea anymore until the government will revise its attitude.

Leader of the South Korean Dragons Military Unit