[CP] To Society and the State

Day 1,630, 22:48 Published in Canada Canada by Sperry

Dum Spiro, Spero

As promised, Internal Affairs have made heavy appearances on today's agenda. Most recent among these is the ongoing Fritzhill Fund, established after a massive and unexpected donation from a personal friend and former Canadian. Read on to come up to speed with those Internal items, and pick up updates on the international scene along the way.

Payout to the People

Fritzhill's donation came in the middle of a conversation between Cabinet, Wally, and Simon about a way to capitalize on the current 44% Discount offer. This isn't the first time this offer has come up, and it won't be the last, but we've got over 400 Gold languishing in the treasury and I would like to make the most of that. Since we can't Declare War on random countries (tehe), I've asked Congress to vote on giving that money to Canadians while this discount is going on.

That proposal is being pre-voted on right now, and is being received warmly by a Congress who recognize that we need to help Canadians strengthen up, rather than help Plato laugh at our useless cache. It takes past proposals into account, reflects game mechanics, and pushes to get Canadians re-energized when they login to this game. More on this tomorrow after Congress finishes its discussion.

Fueling Conversation

A major goal for this admnistration has been getting Canada interested in playing this game. Our Cabinet wants to make Canada succeed mechanically, and in the meanwhile, give players something they can get revved up about. Part of that comes through these daily articles. Part of it comes through the updates Congress is now receiving, along with the respect that a number of them deserve. With the forums back up, and a new string of Congress PMs on its way, that's getting easier.

It also involves opening up access to our central cabinet document (nicknamed CICERO) for some enthusiastic Canadians. Several people have approached Plugson and I about getting more involved in shaping eCanada's foreign policy on a grand scale. A lot of the foundation work we're doing internationally benefits from personal communication. That's easier to do when we have more people on the table. Shameless Plug(son): If you want to get involved in foreign affairs, but aren't sure where to start, give Gary Hubert and the Ambassadors' Corps a shout. We'll give you more info on them later.

A couple of you (particularly those of the Space Poping variety) have asked how the Survey results are coming along. Most of the stats have been compiled, and the article will be released tomorrow. I'm thrilled to say the results are promising, and relate a lot to what we aim to do this month.

The English Channel

A lot of our military focus for the past 2 days has been around the British. Indeed, many of today's military conversations focused on this very conflict. Irish representatives, Appleby, the French Cabinet (CP, MoD, and dMoFA), and several reps from both Terra and EDEN - they were all involved in a string of conversations about our presence in England.

England is a temporary visit. I'm not interested in a long-term war of attrition the likes of previous months. Instead, I'm interested in securing Canada with temporary access to resources, regions, and True Patriot opportunities - provided that we can help our allies at the same time. The conversations that are in the works are all aimed at ensuring our presence in England is profitable and helpful to our allies. More importantly, we are working to protect our interests there without enraging the British, which with their growing population, is a sensible choice.

The battle for Wales began shortly after a RW opened in East Midlands, currently controlled by France. Ideally we will be able to maintain our Natural Enemy with Britain by letting Wales stand until after East Midlands is in British hands. While I aim to move us toward more interesting battles than England, we will be waiting a short while on those options, so we're best served by keeping England open for the time being.

Beyond Britain

Once again we made quantifiable progress on our path to providing Canadians with new, entertaining wars. In order to achieve these goals, we'll need to keep coordinating with our allies, and focus on foreign battles that will directly contribute to our presence in World War 5. Canada cannot hit as hard as our Yankee neighbours, but we can offer a new level of commitment and integrity that our allies can be proud of.

EDEN is pleased with what we have brewing and is working to see that it happens. Terra, as well, likes the scope of our efforts and is happy that - unlike in past terms - Canada is focusing on helping TEDEN and Canada, not Canada-perhaps-TEDEN. There's strong legwork being done by Plugson and his growing team. The man continues to impress.

From here, we look to inform more Canadians about our initiatives, coordinate more precisely with our Military Units, and begin locking in the plans we've got with our allies. All part of the greater goal for society and state.