[CP] TG Upgrades for eIrish Citizens

Day 2,227, 21:19 Published in Ireland Ireland by Bhane

The dail's committee has worked out the details of our TG upgrade program.
Now we will begin the search for someone to administrate this headache.

The first priority was maximizing the efficiency of the investment. We will compile an upgrade list from applicants. But, we will not implement those upgrades until the next 45% sale.

For Q1 to Q2 upgrades the state will pay all 11g - 100%
For Q2 to Q3 upgrades the state will pay 13.75 of the 27.5g - 50%
For Q3 to Q4 upgrades the state will pay 18.33 of the 55g - 33.3% (I doubt we will ever get that far down the list)

1) Priority will be given to lower Q upgrades first so the gold goes farther.

2) Priority will be given to weight rooms and climbing centers before special forces, and finally shooting ranges. We want to be as cost/efficient as possible.

3) Of course, there will be a citizenship requirement to eligibility. The TG upgrade program is available to eIrish citizens only, with preference given to those who have been around longer. Players that have been eIrish their whole e-life have been citizens from their "created" date. Players that have immigrated (even if multiple times) will have citizenship counted from their most recent cz approval.

The weights of these priorities will be carefully considered to compile the final upgrade list. The committee has come up with guidelines for the administrator. We want to get benefits to as many people as possible within the budget. Do not expect a bunch of upgrades, if it would mean others not getting anything.

There will be an application form for basic information about your profile, and the current status of your TGs. After filling out the form, the administrator will contact the player via PM, and obtain screencaps (before and after) of their TGs. The administrator should be someone familiar with egov so they can look at strength history to double check. There will be follow up checks as well to insure the TG upgrades have been applied. If it can be substantially proven that someone takes the money and runs, they will not be eligible for future social benefits.

To avoid confusion, and streamline the process of organizing all the data into a priority list, there will be one administrator. That avoids the problem of too many cooks, when so many aspects affect the minor decisions. That is not to say one person will wield all decision making power. We will have an oversight committee. When the administrator gets all the numbers worked out, they will submit a list of who applied, and which upgrade(s) they will receive. The committee will stamp approval, or raise concerns. The list will go forward, or it will be amended to address those concerns. Then it will go on to Apple to distribute the funds from the org. We already have an existing committee that has a representative sample from major parties, and varying factions. The Immigration Committee will get the added duty of oversight for the TG program. Rather than creating an entirely new gov't body, it's simpler to just use ImmComm.

That brings us to the crux of the next dilemma.
Who wants the headache of sorting through all the applicants? The person will have to organize when the person was e-born (or immigrated to eIreland), lay out the existing upgrades, the budget for the program, follow up accountability for upgrades, etc. I ask eIreland to help me with names. We need to find someone willing, and able, and familiar with egov. The next dail will approve the administrator, when I have a nominee. Please have volunteers PM me.

Thank you for your time,