[CNA] Title I of the Cuban Constitution [Debate I]

Day 2,659, 20:06 Published in Cuba North Korea by Demonaire

Greetings to all the Cuban Comrades

Following with the process started by the Ministery of Interior by the day 2,623, there were received many suggestions, comments and critics from some citizens, like Valky Vala, Sir Cocodrile, Nikola TesIa, Porkytheunique and Vihesito, by naming someones, about the topics to be included inside a constitutional project for Cuba.

From the above it has come a text which, of course, has left people satisfied and people with less satisfaction, but it is a good starting point to define, once and for all, a Cuban Constitution to seek inclusion, participation, representation, deliberation, equity and efficiency in national proceedings.

From the inescapable and eloquent fact that the majority of Cubans have little to nothing interest for read an article with more than 10 paragraphs, thereby generating conflicts of understanding and comprehension that could hurt future governance of the country, I decided to apply a methodology, which implies that this article is the first in a series of press papers to be published over the next few days.

First, start with the submission to debate of the first title of the Constitution.

Now, the methodology to be applie😛

+ Instead of a block publication of the Constitution for debate and subsequent vote, publications for discussion and vote will be divided into titles, maximum, and articles, minimum. Latter case, for example, in two cases where Sir Crocodile rose two constitutional proposals so that they will be treated by the Cuban people, while additional items may be subject to specific debate and its corresponding vote, if citizens think that way.

+ In the debates can be proposed, modified or deleted constitutional articles. As mentioned in the previous point, a citizen may propose a specific debate on a particular item, after which, if minimal support from other citizens is perceived, will be proceed to create a new debate for that situation. These debates will last three days (the days when an article remains in front page in eRepublik).

+ The vote to approve a proposal to amend or remove an Article, shall be governed, as is customary in these cases, by absolute majority between, at least, the options "Yes", "No" and "None of the Above" (the latter option would return the proposal to further discussion). If there are proposals for articles competing to each other, you vote for one of the options, by the refusal to all proposals or the "none of the above" vote. Voting will last three days (the days when an article remains in front page in eRepublik)

+ Of course, the articles will be published simultaneously in Spanish and English.

With the above rules, we expect the Cuban people participate in this exercise to improve as a society and as a nation.

We will proceed to make the respective advertising of this article to summon the participation of all Cubans.

Best Regards.

Demonaire Rai
Cuban Citizen.