[CCP] The Revolution Continues

Day 2,247, 12:24 Published in Canada Canada by CptKaydee

Brothers, sisters, comrades of all kind!

I come to you today to announce one of our former fellow comrades, oinyo has turned against the party and is committing thought crimes. For this, he must be punished so that our dream of the Democratic People's Republic of Canada can live on and better yet, be a reality.

Oinyo wants to brand our glorious revolution as a silly television show joke. Clan Wolf. A silly pathetic name. Us communists must unite like we've done for the previous month to protect our glorious revolution against those who wish it harm.

Crimes thought criminal Oinyo has committe😛

- Treason: fighting for the rebel clan wolf movement.
- Hypocrisy: Oinyo supported the communist party and is now against it within a month.
- Watching Television: Oinyo watches Game of Thrones, the series that is blacklisted amongst the CCP.
- Though crimes: Having opinions against the collective good.

Let's continue the glorious revolution together! Vote for me, CptKaydee, the official Dictator of the Canadian Communist Party.

Onwards Comrades!

Best regards,