[CCP] Onwards Comrades! (Kaydee4PP)

Day 2,241, 12:17 Published in Canada Canada by CptKaydee

Heyo Comrades,

This past month has been great for the party. The former Clan Wolf has been changed to the Canadian Communist Party and so far it’s done well for us. Unfortunately we have not shown our full potential as a party in Canadian society. That’s I am putting myself forward as a candidate for party leadership.

Our recruitment efforts have been weak, our vision has been blurry and our image has been a joke. This needs to be fixed to become a true political fighting force in eCanada.

In the coming month(s) I promise to build this party and find our true position. My goal is to bring up to the top and dethrone the long time leader, the Canadian Progressive Front. My plans are very simple, we will plaster ourselves all over eCanada through propaganda. Not a single person will see us and not fully understand what we’re about and are goals are.

Party Charter will definitively be redone to accommodate our name change. We will fully recognize the communist potential in these game mechanics. A collectivist society is close but can only be done by uniting our community under the same desire. War.

Comrades, I will not let you done. Vote CptKaydee as the next great Supreme Leader of the Canadian Communist Party!

Best regards,