[AV] Domestic Affairs

Day 712, 13:00 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by AltmerVampire

Hello eUK 🙂

This article will be largely my Domestics manifesto that I promised to you but before we start, I’ll see a little bit about the current impeachment against Mr Woldy that is taking place. And also, I have opened applications for my potential Cabinet, so if you’re interested lookie http://forums.erepublik.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=22855.

The impeachment is not a serious attempt, Goku is doing it to draw attention to several things he feels could be improved upon in the government. For those of us who are not currently members of the UK forums (if you aren't a member, join today) these reasons are:

- Him believing Prime Minister’s Questions are a good idea (which I agree with)
- Ministers saying whats up in the world (and although this is occasionally done, it isn’t’ with major frequency, so again, I agree)
- And basically that the Prime Minister should be more active on forums (which has been a major criticism of Woldy due to his seeming lack of activity)

This proposal was done for the right reasons, if not the right way of achieving these reasons. Anyway, I left this document hanging for a while so now I’ve forgotten what to say, so moving on…

But first my traditional little speech…

Despite the work of many people in the UK we are a divided people. Regardless of how many times I try to play a cute Youtube video with puppies and kittens people are arguing in the UK. We are a divided nation, with no common goal. Everyone wants us to flourish but no one seems to want to work to achieve it to be so.

This is should be our goal. To motivate our citizens. To include everyone in every little thing. An intelligent, informed nation who work together to make Britain great. This is my dream. This is our dream.

So many people have put work into the domestic side of our country now. The Ministry of Home Affairs strives to educate our citizens and make our job easier. The Ministry of Legislative Affairs makes sure nobody makes an oopsies and does something ever so slightly illegal.

These people make our country go around. And it is my intention to keep them spinning in their orbit and make sure we transcend as a people. A united people.

Ministry of Legislative Affairs

The Ministry of Legislative Affairs is still running fantastically and therefore I don’t intend to change much. I will however ask the Minister to hire a new Under Minister who will act as the Chairperson in the Party Presidents Debate Room on the forums. The reason this room is so useful is to keep the main parties in the UK discussing potential problems and, if possible, agreeing on solutions. One nation, one solution.

A babyboom

Babybooms are hard to achieve and even harder to manage. But the UK needs one. We need to have a fresh intake of new brains and new soldiers. The current Home Affairs team has tried at this half-heartedly under Woldy’s reign. I intend to think big. Not aim at gathering a few people off a forum or two. Rather I will work with the Ministry of Home Affairs and question other nations who have had these babybooms and seek the ways of success.

We need companies in place, some more information can be found in my economics manifesto. But I intend my time as President to work on helping our nation make a babyboom, for the betterment of our nation. To do it, I will need a lot more help. I will need your help. So please, invite your friends to the game, make posts on other forums. Every little helps 😉

Welcoming Committee

On a similar note to above really. The UK has a fair few new citizens every day, the majority of which do not stay playing the game. This has to be remedied. I intend to set up a Welcoming Committee, who will PM new players to the game and direct them to helpful articles and the forums.

They will act as mentors to the new players and help them with everything that is needed. This will hopefully greatly improve our player retention. In the event of a babyboom, the Welcoming Committee may find itself very busy 🙂

Government Articles

The Ministry of Home Affairs has done well with Media this term, although I believe it could be improved. If elected as CP I’d push for the Government to have a helpful article in the Top 5 every other day at least. This is not hard to achieve and I will look into setting some money aside if needed to get this goal through. These articles will be used to ensure new players know about wellness, fighting smart, job hints along with directions to our forums. On a similar note, this could be made so much easier with the co-operation of the UK citizens, so if you see a government article please vote it up.

Prime Minister’s Questions

I intend to bring PMQs back in the vain hope I’m not hated enough to be attacked as much as Sara. I feel these are fantastic ways of connecting with the public and answering any questions you may have. They will be released in an article every week.

Similarly, if demand is high I will give another time for congressmen to ask me questions, and a log of this will be posted in the House of Commons forum, depending on the sensitivity of the questions.

I will also be strongly encouraging my ministers to join me at both events and questions may be directed at them too.

The Gifting Director and potential Commune

Will remain in place. Also, possible plans for a government owned commune that uses its spare supplies for the UK population and possibly to supply #ukcivguns will be looked into.

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Why, I do believe that is it for Domestics today. All I can remember anyway.

My military manifesto can be found here.

Thanks for reading, and have a nice day 🙂

Your presidential hopeful.

PS: Join the UK forums if you haven't already