...and now, the end is near...

Day 2,171, 02:37 Published in Australia Australia by Send love to Plato

Well I would just like to add a few things before I begin another journey again around the eWorld. Firstly I would Like to say a huge thank you to the eAussie community that made myself and Claire feel welcome and continued to make us feel like eAustralia was a home..that was much appreciated. We have met some brilliant people in this community and it will be a pleasure to still talk to you meatheads once my new laptop f*cking finally arrives and I can abuse Skype again.

Secondly a HUGE thank you to Flatty, I have singled you out because you were the one who first took a gamble on myself and Claire. We were new and you gave us the opportunity at Centrelink/JDS and gave us full backing and full financial support to make any changes we wanted. That meant a lot mate. I won't name everyone who i think is awesome because I am afraid of missing someone out but you know who you are feckers and a deep and sincere Thank you for bing the amazing feckers that you are.

I know from conversations with Claire in real life that she is proud of the work we have done and i feel a little bit pleased with ourselves as well. Arrogance? No, but we did take a organisation that was dead and buried and helped many new and young players within the eAustralian community. I know some say all we did was spend Government money but it is easy to forget that we have thrown over 20 Gold each month between us into the JDS and that doesnt include the 200cc per week into the ADF and the 20Gold in lottery prizes...so yeah we did throw our own resources into it as well.

I know a few people think we were looking to build an Empire, and to those I can honestly say that not once did we apply for a Government position, Claire did apply for the then vacant ADF Marshal role but other than that - nothing. This month we have turned down offers from all three candidates and last month due to a real life appointment I had to turn down the MoFA role...so no, power was something we really wasn't interested in and we just wanted to give you eAussies something back. Personally I think we gave more than we took back from the community and I am proud of that.

Claire will not say this herself but I would like to praise the fecker for what she did in the JDS and ADF. She kept such well documented gdocs for both and put in countless unrecorded hours keeping everything running smoothly like a well oiled machine. The ADF was amazingly well run during her time as Marshal and again personal finances was thrown into the ADF to help activity and to build up a sense of community within the Military Unit. Whatever your views as to who should have run the ADF if you ask anyone there they will tell you that activity was up and soliders completing their daily orders increaded by 5x.

This month has been the catalyst In the both of us deciding to up sticks and move on. I am sure I don't need to go into any details but one thing I would like to say on the matter...if you have proof then show it. Don't just keep shouting 'wolf' all because you have been called out for making a huge and fundmental f*ck up. One thing I have seen in this game is that if you throw your hands up and admit you f*cked up then the community forgives you.

Sadly senate came to the conclusion that it did, all democratic and fair play to them. I do want to offer this warning though...if you want off site laws and regulations that mirror image real Senate regulations then serious acts that wouldn't go unpunished in real life should not be brushed aside in eRepublik. I know Mick, amongst other racial slurs, replied to myself as a 'white c*nt' (edited by myself) and I would expect if I were ever CP then If I called someone a 'Bl*ck c*nt' then I should not only be Impeached but chased out of the game in shame as well...quite rightfully so.

Despite some brilliant personalities in eAustralia I do not feel overly confident in remaining in a communtiy whose senate feel that behaviour is acceptable...hence why I am going to stalk another community. Though I do leave with my best wishes for eAustralia in her future exploits.

Take care dudes and dudettes