[AMP] Chucky Norris for a second term in Montana!

Day 1,616, 19:39 Published in USA Canada by Chucky Norris

Last month in Congress I've been able to do much, and I'd like to try again in order to defend my belief and the vision of the AMP in the state of Montana.

You might ask yourself what I've been doing exactly for the past month. Well here is a short resume of what I did.

I fought again for low taxes, it has been a preoccupation for the first part of the term. And at the end of the term, based on the EC recommandation, we've been able to lower the income tax by 3%, which I supported. I've also proposed change to our constitution to reflect more the ingame reality of congress. This proposition passed as well. I've also fought so that every MU could get his fair share of tax dollar. I've also been named congress of the week of the AMP throught my dedication in congress. And last but not least, I made it a duty to log daily on the congress forum in order to keep up to date with every debate we had.

What do I propose to do next month? I want again to step up for the little guy, the MU that don't have the power to influence congress, these people that are not lobbying congress all the time. I also intend on maintaining civility in congress so that discussion can be held without trolling. I strongly believe that we need integrity and respect in congress in order to be able to move forward. Disrespect and mockery on the newer members will never help congress as a body to become greater. This is why next month I plan to carry the AMP vision, that we can have debates in congress.

The AMP is the future, the movement as already begun, and this month, we will carry on the torch for America. But only you, the voters, can decide of this. This is why I'm asking the electors of Montana to trust me once again to make this the greatest eCountry in the world!

On the 25th, Vote Chucky Norris of the AMP in Montana!

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