[Ambassador] Report from the eCroatia

Day 2,318, 16:53 Published in Ireland Belgium by crosoldier2013

Hello dear readers

Today I am writing my first article as Irish ambassador to Croatia.

Congress elections

Most votes received Croatian Party of Rights and this month will have 12 members in Congress. Croatian Democratic Party received 135 votes, they were get 8 seats in Congress. Civil society and Anonymous Party will have by 7 members, and Croatian Alliance of Communists 6 members.


Today Croatia holding 11 Indian regions under its occupation.

A few days ago, Croatians managed to free most of the original region: Central Croatia, Northwest Croatia, Slavonia, South Dalmatia and region West Srpska Republic.

As you know, Croatia is in the Alliance Sirius with Spain, Poland, United kingdom, United States, Brazil and Turkey.
Croatia has signed a pact mutual protection with Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, USA, Estonia, Ukraine, Brazil, Ireland, Germany, Turkey, Italy, Chile, the United kingdom, Poland, Mexico, Spain, Belgium, Albania and China which expires in two days.

Air strike on Malaysia, deleting Thailand, and invasion on India 2012 years which lasts until today.

In August 2012 former Croatian President TOS101 chose Malaysia as the target of an air strike. 21st August 2012 years began the attack on the region of Sabah, which is easily occupied by the Croatian army.

The second day, Croatia won region of Sarawak and Malaysian Peninsular and deleted Malaysia off the map.


30th August, a week after the attack on Malaysia, Croatia started to attack on Thailand and the first day they won region of Southern Thailand.

After four days of fighting (September 2nd) Croatia occupied all Thai regions and wiped it off the map.


4th September started the attack on India, respectively on the region Tamil Nadu which is easily occupied by Croatian army.

After a week, Croatia is occupied 6 Indian region.

In mid-November, Malaysia has managed to rid their region, and Croatia led war on two fronts, against India and against Thailand.

17th January 2013. Croatia holds 15 of the 16 Indian region.
