[Access Denied] AMP Girls Detected!

Day 2,434, 22:05 Published in USA Canada by Code-Y

This message brought to you by AMP Girls - The only Hot girls at the party.

Hey everyone! Just a few updates on AMP as if you haven't been seeing us enough! Today I'll be cover the standard referral program which we're bringing back. How to decide on who will run your country next. Some information on the new Weekly Contests AMP is hosting ! And maybe I'll even include some links to more places you can feel the amps!

AMP is proud to be re-introducing the standard referral program! For every new AMP user referred to our forums the referrer and the referee will receive 5 tanks! All the referee has to do is put who their referrer was on the access request thread.

AMP's 80th Congressional Primaries have begun! We have 13 official candidates, and 7 runner ups for our 7,8 and 9 spots! To cast your vote and decide who AMP's future congressmen will be, come vote in this thread here!

The Weekly Recruitment Contests being ran by Frank1296 are a new initiative set by AMP to put more AMP articles in the media! This is my personal entry to the contest and if you want to enter for a chance to win 10g, 7g or 5g, I'd head on over and read the article linked in the first sentence of this paragraph.

Day 7 on the job? Man, I'm still alive and I'm achieving goals left and right. AMP has already hit 200 members, my goal for the end of my term! Go figures what an active PP can do. My Media director has been having some huge real life issues setting me back on keeping AMP as well informed as I'd like you guys 😛. Don't worry tho, we're keeping the Media that we do deliver filled with quality! I'll be linking some below

AMP is also attempting to implement a Party Treasurer. A new position we're giving a shot! To discuss on that, or read the debate, you can click here. If that doesn't catch your interest, then allow me to show you the free stuff section

Free Stuff Section

Tl😉r? (Too lazy, didn't read?)
Only the first few days of being a PP is hard. Vote in AMP's Congressional primaries. Check out the weekly recruitment contest and bring some of your friends to AMP!

If you enjoyed this article and felt the AMP's, go feel some more in Piggy Boot's article!

✯✯✯ Feel the AMPS! ✯✯✯