[Посланик] БЮРМ? Защо бягате?

Day 1,274, 03:53 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by Dalakas
Здравейте драги е-съграждани, вчера всички видяхме под статиите, коментари на макетата, за това как щели да затрият гърците, че нямали шанс и т.н. Но днес видяхме що за "големци" са! Нашите "приятелчета" вдигнаха въстание в Apulia с цел да го изгубят и да си прекъснат границата с италианските им региони и гръцките, демек мишките смятат да се крият в Италия! Apulia е ЕДИНСТВЕНИЯ италиански регион който има граница с Гърция, макета защо бягате? Нали бяхте непобедими? Станахте пред позор пред всички с вашите "мъжки" постъпки!

Ето думите и на Президента на Гърция-Archoss:

Yesterday we have witnessed a well organized trolling attack from our northern "neighbours" Seems to me that the former Yugoslav Republic in the north of Greece is trying to win Greece only in the battlefield of trolling (they are pretty good at that) but at the same time they constantly avoid facing Greece in the battlefield. As many of you have seen in a desperate effort to keep everything they can in Italy, they started a RW in Apulia.

They are hoping that if we do not have a passage to liberate Italy, we will stop right after we clear our northern borders from their occupation.

They are mistaken!

My message to the former yugoSlav republic is simple: “you can run but you cannot hide”.

Greece has decided to liberate Italy and we will stop only when we succeed or if we ‘ll get conquered. If you feel strong enough, try to win Greece - if not, surrender now while you still have time.

Of course my instructions to the Greek and the Italian people will be to ignore the fight in Apulia. We have several allied battles we can help today.

See ya in the Battlefield


Поздрави Dalakas, посланик в Гърция.