[财政报纸 #01] 市场买卖 | Arbitrage

Day 2,070, 11:56 Published in China China by Ministry of SinoFinance

本文由 Charlie Li 翻译。


今天我想跟大家谈谈有关套利的事。对于套利最最最简单的理解就是在市场上低买高卖从而赚取差额获利。这是一种在erep里面赚钱的方法, 套利只需要你有耐性, 运气以及一些本金就能做到了。打个比方, 你在eC用6 CNY买了Q1枪然后以8CC在e比利时售卖, 这就是一种套利的行为。这是一种透过两个市场上面的价格差额去获利。因为你原本是不能够把货物卖去国外的市场的, 所以如果你国内市场的价格比国外市场的贵, 这样套利会变得容易, 也可以令你赚的更多, 因为你卖回国内不需要缴交进口税。

不过这个对于e中国的公民会有一点不一样。因为e中国市场几乎拥有全世界最低的市场价格和最高工资的劳工市场, 因为在e中国有很多的​​生产者(大坦)在。这对于e中国的公民来说, 买便宜货是方便点, 可是要想透过套利来赚钱会变得更难一些。如果要把货物出售到国外市场来套利的话, 那么就需要进口许可证(export licence)。你可以在仓库的页面上以20G的价格买到各个国家的进口许可证。注意看下图:

当你买了进口许可证以后, 你就可以把你的货物出售到你买了进口许可证的国家的市场去。你可以在国家经济(country's economy)的页面查看该国不同货物的进口税是多少。要进入国家经济的页面很容易, 看到你名字旁边的国旗了吗? 那个是你所在地的国家, 点进去, 然后再在适当的位置更换你想查看的国家, 最后选择经济页面, 如图:

你现在应该这个国家的进口税, 在很多国家, 比如说匈牙利, 进口税是99%。我个人不是很喜欢设置这么高的税率, 但是不少国家现在仍然采取这样的贸易保护主义。不过还有很多国家的税率是很低的(比如说e俄罗斯跟eRoc), 所以说套利在这些国家的市场还是可行的。现在不是示范如何套利的好时机, 因为鸡推出的任务令所有国家的市场都陷入疯狂的状态。

这其实不用多解释, 但是最重要的数据是在右边这几行里面。这是如果你从中国国内买1000 Q7坦然后马上买到外国所得到的的盈利。很明显头几个市价最高的国家是因为不久前被人占领了, 所以市价才会那么高, 不过接下来的市价没那么高的国家是我们交易的好地点。又打个比方, 虽然这个表显示爱尔兰有200 Q1放售, 而爱尔兰没被灭国, 这样你就可以在爱尔兰的市场上赚钱了, 当然, 如果你有进口许可证的话。

而另外一种套利的方法有一点像是赌博, 在赌货物未来的价格会上升。比如说, 5天前我用7.3cc的价格买了1000Q7, 现在Q7的市价升到了8.5CC。这样子很简单的, 我只是买了Q7然后等一等就赚到钱了。不过这样做是有风险的, 武器的价格可能会突然大跌。我8个月前曾经试过买了一堆Q6, 然后TMD鸡推出了Q7武器, 结果搞到我亏了几千块。虽然这样做是有风险, 不过要寻找买武器的好时机, 这是有迹可寻的。

在市场很冷清的时候买入, 什么叫市场很冷清呢? 当你发现世界上的战斗很少的时候, 市场上武器的价格就会开始下跌, 金价变的稳定, 游戏里面没有什么重要的大战。这些时候, 坦克的价格会慢慢降低, 大概会跌到6CC左右。无节操的鸡还会透过搞一堆的活动来刺激武器的需求。所以, 在市场冷清的时候要买入武器, 或者在有维护之后, 因为维护以后, 通常不久就会出现任务[来源请求]。

在市场炽热的时候把你手中的武器卖掉, 供不应求的武器, 价格会稳步上扬, 可能一天就会上升1~2CC。如果你的仓库够大而且投入本金够多的话, 即使你没有工厂, 你也可以赚到上万CC。哪怕只是一个很穷的玩家也能够这样子赚钱(当然, 赚的比较少)。事实上我在V1的时候就是透过这样的方式在伊朗(工资低)制造面包然后卖到英国(售价高)去赚钱的。

套利是很简单易明的, 不过当实行起来的时候需要一定得经验和对近期市场的观察。我每天都会观察全世界的税和货物价格, 因为如果有什么特别, 我就可以马上获利。虽然是有点慢和麻烦, 不过这是值得的, 因为这样会在这个游戏的竞争里面给到你优势。

最后, 我对于所有想赚钱的人的忠告是, 弄一张电子表格(例如:excel)。用来计算你获得多少盈利的数据都在游戏里面可以找到, 你要做的只是将这些数据放进去你的表格里面然后让他来帮你计算。如果你想知道更多的话可​​以看看这一篇文章(英文)



今天我想跟大家談談有關套利的事。對於套利最最最簡單的理解就是在市場上低買高賣從而賺取差額獲利。這是一種在erep裏面賺錢的方法, 套利只需要你有耐性, 運氣以及一些本金就能做到了。打個比方, 你在eC用6 CNY買了Q1槍然後以8CC在e比利時售賣, 這就是一種套利的行為。這是一種透過兩個市場上面的價格差額去獲利。因為你原本是不能夠把貨物賣去國外的市場的, 所以如果你國內市場的價格比國外市場的貴, 這樣套利會變得容易, 也可以令你賺的更多, 因為你賣回國內不需要繳交進口稅。

不過這個對於e中國的公民會有一點不一樣。因為e中國市場幾乎擁有全世界最低的市場價格和最高工資的勞工市場, 因為在e中國有很多的生產者(大坦)在。這對於e中國的公民來說, 買便宜貨是方便點, 可是要想透過套利來賺錢會變得更難一些。如果要把貨物出售到國外市場來套利的話, 那麼就需要進口許可證(export licence)。你可以在倉庫的頁面上以20G的價格買到各個國家的進口許可證。注意看下圖:

當你買了進口許可證以後, 你就可以把你的貨物出售到你買了進口許可證的國家的市場去。你可以在國家經濟(country's economy)的頁面查看該國不同貨物的進口稅是多少。要進入國家經濟的頁面很容易, 看到你名字旁邊的國旗了嗎? 那個是你所在地的國家, 點進去, 然後再在適當的位置更換你想查看的國家, 最後選擇經濟頁面, 如圖:

你現在應該這個國家的進口稅, 在很多國家, 比如說匈牙利, 進口稅是99%。我個人不是很喜歡設置這麼高的稅率, 但是不少國家現在仍然採取這樣的貿易保護主義。不過還有很多國家的稅率是很低的(比如說e俄羅斯跟eRoc), 所以說套利在這些國家的市場還是可行的。現在不是示範如何套利的好時機, 因為雞推出的任務令所有國家的市場都陷入瘋狂的狀態。

這其實不用多解釋, 但是最重要的數據是在右邊這幾行裏面。這是如果你從中國國內買1000 Q7坦然後馬上買到外國所得到的的盈利。很明顯頭幾個市價最高的國家是因為不久前被人佔領了, 所以市價才會那麼高, 不過接下來的市價沒那麼高的國家是我們交易的好地點。又打個比方, 雖然這個表顯示愛爾蘭有200 Q1放售, 而愛爾蘭沒被滅國, 這樣你就可以在愛爾蘭的市場上賺錢了, 當然, 如果你有進口許可證的話。

而另外一種套利的方法有一點像是賭博, 在賭貨物未來的價格會上升。比如說, 5天前我用7.3cc的價格買了1000Q7, 現在Q7的市價升到了8.5CC。這樣子很簡單的, 我只是買了Q7然後等一等就賺到錢了。不過這樣做是有風險的, 武器的價格可能會突然大跌。我8個月前曾經試過買了一堆Q6, 然後TMD雞推出了Q7武器, 結果搞到我虧了幾千塊。雖然這樣做是有風險, 不過要尋找買武器的好時機, 這是有跡可尋的。

在市場很冷清的時候買入, 什麽叫市場很冷清呢? 當你發現世界上的戰鬥很少的時候, 市場上武器的價格就會開始下跌, 金價變的穩定, 遊戲裏面沒有什麽重要的大戰。這些時候, 坦克的價格會慢慢降低, 大概會跌到6CC左右。無節操的雞還會透過搞一堆的活動來刺激武器的需求。所以, 在市場冷清的時候要買入武器, 或者在有維護之後, 因為維護以後, 通常不久就會出現任務[來源請求]。

在市場熾熱的時候把你手中的武器賣掉, 供不應求的武器, 價格會穩步上揚, 可能一天就會上升1~2CC。如果你的倉庫夠大而且投入本金夠多的話, 即使你沒有工廠, 你也可以賺到上萬CC。哪怕只是一個很窮的玩家也能夠這樣子賺錢(當然, 賺的比較少)。事實上我在V1的時候就是透過這樣的方式在伊朗(工資低)製造麵包然後賣到英國(售價高)去賺錢的。

套利是很簡單易明的, 不過當實行起來的時候需要一定得經驗和對近期市場的觀察。我每天都會觀察全世界的稅和貨物價格, 因為如果有什麽特別, 我就可以馬上獲利。雖然是有點慢和麻煩, 不過這是值得的, 因為這樣會在這個遊戲的競爭裏面給到你優勢。

最後, 我對於所有想賺錢的人的忠告是, 弄一張電子表格(例如:excel)。用來計算你獲得多少盈利的數據都在遊戲裏面可以找到, 你要做的只是將這些數據放進去你的表格裏面然後讓他來幫你計算。如果你想知道更多的話可以看看這一篇文章(英文)


Dear friends,

Today I want to talk to you about arbitrage. In it’s most basic sense, arbitrage is taking advantage of price differences on markets. It is kind of unique in eRep in that arbitrage does not require anything to work except patience, luck, and a little starting capital. For example, say you buy a gun for 6 currency in eChina and sell it for 8 currency in eBelgium, that is arbitrage. It is taking advantage of a price difference between two markets. You are essentially getting a cut out of your ability to sell to another market. This is something which is easier to do when your domestic market is expensive, and foreign markets are cheap - since you have no import tax to pay at home.

When you consider the position of an eChinese citizen it is somewhat different. eChinese citizens benefit from some of the lowest prices and highest wages in the world because of the large number of “producers” here. This is good for citizens buying goods, but makes it harder for people who want to make money. Arbitrage between foreign markets in this case requires an export licence. Export licences can be bought for 20g from the storage page (beneath the flag icon it should say” buy market licence. I can’t be bothered to make a new screenshot, but you can see it clearly illustrated here

It will normally say “buy market licence”, I still have some free licences as a legacy of having personal organisations in V1 before they were removed. Once you’ve bought a licence, you can sell to a foreign market. Now the downside of this is that you have to pay import taxes. The import tax you have to pay can be found on a country’s economy page. To get there click the little flag icon next to your name on your home page. Then select the correct country from the drop down box in the top right, then choose the economy tab. Like so:

So now you can see the import tax- like in many cases in Hungary it’s 99%. Personally I don’t like high taxes, but a surprising amount of countries still have protectionism. However many countries do have lower taxes, and this is where arbitrage becomes possible. Now is not a good time to show this, because the markets are going crazy with the missions. However I will still attempt to show you:

This should be pretty self-explanatory, but really the important figure is the one on the far right column. This is the profit you’d make by simply buying 1000 guns from the domestic market in China and exporting it right now. Obviously the top few countries are either occupied or recently occupied which is why their prices are so high, but the next few are good deals. For example, although this sheet doesn’t show it there are currently 200 Q7 guns on sale in Ireland and it does have free regions. It’s possible to make a profit there if you have a licence.

The other type of arbitrage is essentially betting against future prices. For example say I bought 1000 Q7 five days ago, it would cost 7.3cc or so. Now It is worth 8.5cc. So you could make 1200 cc simply by buying guns and waiting. However this is a risky game- prices can also suddenly drop. I waited 8 months to sell guns once because prices dropped so badly- and I lost thousands on Q6 weapons which lost value very quickly when Q7 was introduced. It’s a risky game, but there are things to look out for.

Buy when markets are quiet. You will see this in the form of few international wars, drooping prices, stable gold values, no major offers or competitions ingame. In this time you will see the prices slowly creep down- at one point they were below 6cc. All that keeps them high is admins stimulating demand with series of “events”. So buy when it’s quiet, or when there is maintenance, since there are nearly always missions after.

Sell when markets are booming. Shortage of supply quickly drives up prices- they can go up 1-2 cc in a single day. If you have storage and capital to invest, you can make tens of thousands without owning a single factory. Even a smaller player can make money this way (obviously on a smaller scale), and in fact it is how I made a lot of money way back in V1 by selling food made in Iran (which had low labour costs due to bots) in the UK (which had high prices).

Arbitrage is quite straightforward to understand, but doing it requires experience and a close observation of the markets. I watch all the taxes and prices in the world on a daily basis in case of changes I can take advantage of. It can be slow but it is worth it to give you an edge over the competition.

Finally my advice to anyone who wants to know how to make money is: make a spreadsheet. All the information you need to make calculations about profits can be found ingame, all you need to do is put them into a spreadsheet and let it do the work for you. There’s a little bit about that here if you want to know more.
