Only one Natural Enemy [VOIX]

Day 1,660, 03:13 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia by Voix of Macedonia

Dear citizens.

One year ago when I started playing this game, then the countries and it's citizens really wanted to defeat their surrounding enemies, mostly because their RL issues that they had or other similar things.
We were fighting each other, and we weren't thinking about anything else then how to defeat our enemy! Well always there were others that weren't thinking the same, but usually we were thinking only how to make our eCountry better, and stronger.

Now after 1 year in the game, the things changed very fast... well I will first mention also the people that were inside a country (I will take for example Macedonia) that were humiliating the people that were in the government if they didn't do their job well. All of this was because the people cared about the game.
Now let me continue. After 1 year in the game the things changed rapidly.

The people think only what will Plato do next to take their money, and how they will train the day after that. Because the economic module is crap, the people must find other ways so they could train, and keep their account strong.
Previously the game was strategic and with united force the people were fighting for their countries. Now the game is VERY individual, and becomes boring. Now the people can't work to make some gold... well because the gold is 2300 cc.

I'm watching the reactions of the players every day on my shouts wall.
I can see that all the time they are complaining about plato, and that they don't care whether their country is loosing or winning. Whether we like it or not 90% of the population are fighting against only one Natural Enemy...


Well instead of making the people focus on the other things that things that this game has to offer he made this focus on him!


You ask it you got it...