D-Day [Final]

Day 1,729, 00:15 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by eDarkAngel


I know everyone is used to the usual quality Wall of Text weаpоn of mass destruction from me, but I'll be brief today.

Right now, Bulgaria is fighting a battle agains Argentina here:


This battle is very important for a few reasons, however the most important one is that if lost Bulgaria would not be able to free Chile, Peru and Paraguay. Bolivia is a little more complicated as it has been PTOed for months if not years by Argentina (before that by Romania) and it will take more then winning a few battles to return it to Bolivians.

Though Argentina has a commanding lead right now, the battle if far from decided. The battle is almoust even and is anyones to win, whoever wants it more will win it, despite the promotion of Plato.

Most non-EDEN countries do not have important battles today and so they can prioritize it. It is important to win rounds quickly and clean so that it can be closed before it goes into Argentina prime time.

Let's show that in this game there are still players and countries that fight for noble causes, fight against permanent oppression and can have fun while doing it.

This is not a battle against Argentina, it is a battle for freedom. Argentina plays their game with their style, they have the right to do so, but we can and will oppose them as we have done in the past with others.

So in short:

*Fight for Freedom
*Fight for Chile, Peru, Paraguay and Bolivia
*Set MU orders to http://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield/32220
*Fight early in rounds and win them clean
*Don't work in your companies now, work after the battle
*Be part of the most epic battle still to be fought

supplies are ON, join #bg.support on rizon server
[/end EDIT]

Update 1
Chile is back on the map!
Update 2
Peru is back on the map!
Update 3
Bolivia is back on the map [though still under PTO]
Update 4
Paraguay is back on the map!
Update 5
New Zealand has freed it's last region!

Update 6

Well the battle for Pando is all but over now, it's a matter of time only until it is. The turn around from 42-2 to 83+-42 is the bigest comeback and turnaround since the introduction of the new war module. Still the credit for that must go to all our allies and friends and no only to Bulgaria.

Bulgaria can claim the mad balls award for being yet again the country that fights the bigest battles in the game for nothing more then satisfaction from achieving a noble cause.

Unlike others however I'll not dwell on that, and will end this article with this:

Props to Argentina for the fight they put up today, though they were routed on all fronts (5, soon to be 9 RWs and the direct battle), they fought valiantly till the end. I hope the trolling that will inevitably come after such an epic battle will be tasteful, as one must know how to loose with dignity, but above all one must know how to win with dignity.

So congratulations CoT, this is your first (hopefully of many) great victory, do not forget it and do not forget the help you got. Now you'e on the map and from here on the expectations will be higher.

Cheers to all, this is what makes this otherwise very mediocre at best game so alluring, see you on the battlefields, friends and foes alike.

So far 5 of 5 RWs have been successful and another 4 are running right now. In all the resistance is leading.

Be different, be yourself, be free!


Знам, че сте свикнали на обичайното високо качество оръжие за масово унищожение, тип стена от текст, но този път ще бъда кратък.

В момента България води битка срещу Аржентина тук:


Мисля, че на нас самите няма нъжда да обеснявам защо е важна тази битка, но ще си позволя да кажа, че независимо от пристрастията ни и гледните точки за кое е смислено, правилно глупаво и тн, днес сме длъжни всички заедно да направим всичко по силите си да спечелим тази битка. Не защото ще спечелим нещо кой знае какво от нея а защото тя е олицетворение на смисъла на тази игра, а защото каузата за която се бием ще ни даде в пъти по-голямо удовлетворение отколкото 100 ресурса.

За това накратко:

*Слагайте заповедите на МЮтата за битката в Пандо
*Бийте в началото на рундовете и вдигайте стената (армията, танкове и тн ще завършват рундовете при нужда), важно е да не се губи време и да се печелят чисти и бързо
*Шаутвайте и пишете на познати и приятели от други страни, нека покажем какво може да мобилизира българската обшност
*Не работете в компаниите си сега, направете го след битката
*нека се бием здраво, пък каквото сабя покаже!

*** В края на рундовете, ако удряте сос рукати го правете на и пейсеат и тури сиконди! за да се зима минотута и туцките.

Чили е отново на картата!
Перу е отново на картата!

бъдете себе си, бъдете различни, бъдете свободни!