Daily Sprattus 2517 Special Edition: POTATOLAND

Day 2,517, 09:06 Published in Latvia Russia by UncIe

— No human being, however great, or powerful, was ever so free as a fish.
John Ruskin

Behol😛 Daily Sprattus is a typical emigrant newspaper devoted to describing the astounding and breathtaking events happening in our glorious Latvia and the petty and useless chitchat in the unworthy world around.

And today the Daily Sprattus presents you a special edition: a delicious prolific report on our Potatoland colony, previously known as Belarus. And our usual content you already enjoy will follow.

Don't forget to fight for Potatoland Belarus here to help glorious Latvia restore the bridge to our rightful boni!

We all love our colony Belarus for its rich resources and much delicious potato we harvest there. But what do we know of this barbaric potatoland but for two facts: that our beloved President casadeli has a rancho there, and that Belarus barbarians are savage and useless?

Don't worry, the Daily Sprattus will explain!
Belarus before men and after

What was Belarus before Motherland Latvia brought civilization to these potato wastelands?

Belarus was dull and useless, but for food. Our historic antagonist due to the fact there is no potato in Latvia, Belarus had all its life revolving around the concept of potato.
It was a typical potato dictatorship under leadership of a typical tyrant with a moustache. Barbaric people did nothing, only collected potato and played with letters of Polish alphabet.

The savages of Belarus worshipped agrarian supermen-demigods. According to the peasant myths, the chieftain of the potatomen panteon was the Potatoman, who at the end of times, when skies fall down on Earth, will come and bake delicious mashed potato soup.

With a little help of its Pacifica allies, USA and Russia, Motherland Latvia gloriously brought civilization to these useless territories and installed a true democracy. The useless potato people of Belarus surrendered and joined glorious Latvia, our holy empire.

Every month in congress election days, the holiday of Taming of Belarus is celebrated by taming the useless Belarus congress attempts.

To memorize our army's success in bringing peace to the potato lands, special stamps have been released in Motherland Latvia.

The savage potatomen of Belarus received welfare and education from Motherland Latvia. Some even gave up their barbaric ways and are now visiting the Baltic Sea beaches, enjoying the sun.

And what about the potato? Thanks to the wisdom of beloved casadeli and his prophet Soulcraft, the potato has been taken from the barbarians of Belarus and brought to its rightful owner Motherland Latvia.

Now you know all you need about our potato farmland Belarus.
Let's keep colonizing its useless lands!

In the useless world around
The useless world around sucks. Nothing is happening and economy is ruined.

All flee its dullness and ask for citizenship of Motherland Latvia.
Also, Ukraine has captured Budapest.

In glorious Latvia
All is good in glorious Latvia. Economy flourishes and harvest is rich.
And behol😛 this is how the interface through which our beloved leadership rules the country looks.

Our proud and honorable army has crushed all Belarus insurgencies and is provoking the potato barbarians to start more resistance wars which we'll definitely crush.


Meanwhile in Russia

Daily Potato Joke

And How's The Weather Today?

It is cold. Also, dark.

Ask The Daily Sprattus Experts!

Today we have asked our key expert on media mogul affairs: what should Erepublik labs Ltd. do to revive the media? Let's see what he says.

Let's thank our expert.

That was all Daily Sprattus for today, we'll write back soon.
Remember there's always more fish in the sea!

Daily Sprattus 2517 Special Edition: POTATOLAND